JAC Vapour

Monday, October 10, 2016

Bella Thorne Nude For The Film “Lolita”

Bella Thorne nude

As you can see from the movie poster above, Bella Thorne will be making her big screen nude debut in the film “Lolita” due out next year.

“Lolita” is based off the famous novel of the same title by Russian writer Vladimir Nabokov, which is considered by literary experts to be one of the greatest English written books of all time. Of course in the story the Lolita character is 12, and with Bella Thorne just turning 19-years-old the CGI that is going to be needed to be used will be extensive to hide the sagging skin, stretch marks, wrinkles, and abortion scars which no doubt cover Bella’s decrepit old body.

By casting an elderly skank like Bella Thorne to appear naked in this film, the infidels have once again shown that they are not sophisticated enough to appreciate the graphic depiction of a romantic relationship between an older man and nymphet girl. Clearly only us virile Muslim men have the enlightened refined taste to understand the brilliance of Nabokov’s smutty story.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Jenna Ezarik Nude Photo Leaked

Jenna Ezarik

Youtube star Jenna Ezarik is the younger sister of Internet celebrity “iJustine”, and she also appears to have just had the nude photo below leaked online.

Jenna Ezarik nude

Jenna has never been as popular online as her older sister Justine, because she is not nearly as good looking… But fortunately for her leaked nudes are the great equalizer in the hopelessly depraved Western world, for now that Jenna appears to have exposed her topless titties with this photo she will no doubt catch up to (and probably even surpass) her sister’s online fame.

Let us hope that Jenna Ezarik’s leaked nude is not the beginning of some sort of slutty sibling rivalry, and Justine will not try to one up her little sister with a fully nude photo of her own sinful female body. For as you can see from the pic of Justine below, the sight of her naked flesh would be of great offense to our pious Muslim eyes.


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Emma Watson Naked On The Floor

Emma Watson naked

Emma Watson appears to have been photographed completely naked while sitting on the kitchen floor flicking her sin bean in the disturbing picture above.

This nude Emma Watson pic perfectly illustrates why feminism just does not work… For women are morally corrupt and weak-willed by nature, so when they are left to their own devices they invariably end up engaging in some sort of sinful sexual deviancy just as Emma is doing in this photo.

Yes it clear from this nude photo that like all women Emma Watson requires the strong strict hand of a powerful Muslim man to keep her in line. For if Emma had a Muslim husband she would be doing her womanly duty of scrubbing the floors and baking delicious fig pies, and she would certainly not be sitting around naked buttering her own biscuit like this… Or else she’d quickly find herself on the business end of a flogging from a switch made of stiff Nile reeds.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Sophie Turner Punished For Wearing A Slutty Dress

Sophie Turner nude bondage

“Game of Thrones” star Sophie Turner found out the hard way that us righteous Muslims don’t play around when it comes to women’s fashion, as she was stripped naked, tied up, and severely punished after going out in the slutty dress in the photos below.


Sophie Turner Sophie Turner Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner Sophie Turner Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner Sophie Turner Sophie Turner

Yes Sophie will certainly think twice before she goes out with her sinful milky white side boob on display in a dress that appears to have been designed by some autistic child… Although Sophie was remarkably enthusiastic about being bound naked and flogged.

Actually now that I think about it we may have made a terrible mistake, as Sophie seemed to greatly enjoy her punishment letting out load moans, which at the time I assumed were of discomfort but may have been of pleasure. Also she kept saying “Yes punish your naughty little f*ck slut!”, which I thought was the delusional ramblings of a torture victim, but now in the light of day seem to show that Sophie was deriving perverse gratification from her pain. Clearly the depraved nature of the infidel knows no bounds, and we must come up with more creative ways of teaching whores like Sophie lessons.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sophie Turner Cheeky Nude Photo

Sophie Turner nude

“Game of Thrones” star Sophie Turner gets naked while on fours in the cheeky nude photo above.

A woman on her hands and knees is certainly halal, for from this position she can pray to Allah, scrub the floors, plant poppy seeds, bury roadside bombs, and await her husband for goat style (known in the West as doggy style) sex. However, in all those instances the woman should be wearing a full length thick black wool burka. For Sophie to defile this holy posture by posing in it fully nude is an offense us Muslims do not take lightly.

Yes Sophie will be made to pay for this egregious naked on all fours crime. As we speak a strongly worded fatwa is being drafted calling for Sophie’s immediate extradition to Saudi Arabia to stand trial in Sharia court. The British government would be wise to meet our demands less we decide to saddle up our war camels, tie them to rafts, and float over to their cursed heathen island to teach them a lesson for harboring Sophie’s brazenly blasphemous bare booty.

Monday, October 3, 2016

“Mean Girls” Cast Where Are They Now? Nude Edition

Mean Girls

October 3rd is “Mean Girls Day”, which is a day that celebrates the 2004 classic teen comedy “Mean Girls”.

Believe it or not us Muslims can relate to the storyline in this film, for our wives are often breaking off into cliques and picking on each other (even though most of them aren’t high school age yet). In my extensive experience I find it best to mercilessly beat any woman who causes disharmony in my household, but I guess the sensitive crybaby infidels wouldn’t find a movie about that very funny.

Without further ado, let us spend “Mean Girls Day” taking a look back at the “Mean Girls” cast with the nude photos below along with an update of where each of the actresses is now.

Mean Girls nude

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan nude

Lindsay Lohan is the star of “Mean Girls”, and after the movie she continued to star in many blockbuster hits while racking up numerous Academy Awards. She is currently considered one of the darlings of Hollywood.

Rachel McAdams

Rachel McAdams nude

Rachel McAdams had to gain a considerable amount of weight to play the character Regina George in the film. Unfortunately this led to Rachel developing a serious eating disorder, and she quickly ballooned to over 600lbs. Sadly in late 2012 Rachel succumbed to heart disease, and had to be crane lifted from her small family home in suburban Baton Rogue, Louisiana.

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried nude

The bad luck continued for the “Mean Girls” cast with actress Amanda Seyfried. Amanda’s character “Karen” boasted in the film that her boobs tingled when it rains. Well that tingling turned out to be stage 4 breast cancer, and Amanda deteriorated rapidly passing away not long after the movie’s release.

Lacey Chabert

Lacey Chabert nude

After “Mean Girls’ Lacey Chabert quit acting to follow her true passion of event planning, forming the company “Fetch Entertainment LLC”. Which according to the company’s website specializes in parties of five.

Lizzy Caplan

Lizzy Caplan nude

In “Mean Girls” Lizzy Caplan plays a flaming lesbodyke named “Janis”. Fearful of being typecast as a gay, Lizzy made certain that all her future roles had her engaging in graphic sex with men. This ultimately led to Lizzy staring a new career in porn under the name “Alexis Cockgobbler”.

Amy Poehler

Amy Poehler nude

Amy Poehler plays Regina George’s “cool mom” in the film. Unfortunately in real life Amy’s kids don’t think she is so cool, as child services had them removed from Amy’s care six years ago due to severe neglect and abuse. They have been in and out of foster homes ever since.

Tina Fey

Amy Poehler nude

Not only did Tina Fey write the script for “Mean Girls”, but she appears in the film as well. However Tina’s multitasking didn’t end there, for not long after the movie’s release DEA agents raided Tina’s home and discovered over 100lbs of black tar heroin. She is currently serving a 30 year federal prison sentence for felony possession with intent to distribute.